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      The first parameter is the numeric register address of pointing to a STRING-256 data type containing the Directory path and root filename. Examples would be Example: The first register contains 46001, where register 46001 is a STRING-256 register that might contain "/tmp/cflash/MeterLogs/IonMeter1" and or "/tmp/usb/Floats/Voltages".  The Data Logger function will verify that the directories exist and will append more information to the file name consisting of the Year-Month-Day, Starting Data Address by Number of Data Items, Time Stamp mode, and either ".csv" or ".bin".  For example the first file name could be "../IonMeter1~2012IonMeter1..2012-12-25_30001x012_TS.csv" for December 25th 2012, data from 30001 through 30012 saved as comma separated values with a Time Stamp.


      The fourth parameter is Maximum number of files to be stored in the destination directory portion of the file name.  At midnight the logger will see if the oldest file in the destination directory should be removed.  Plus any “FILENAME*.csv” or “FILENAME*.bin” file will be gzip-compressed and renamed to either “FILENAME*.csv.mvCSV.gz”  or  “FILENAME*.bin.mvBIN.gz”.  When the user copies the compressed files to a Windows PC then the freeware program “7-Zip” can uncompress them.  The ‘.mv” ".CSV" or ".BIN" is appended to prevent compressing a continuing live log file.

      The fifth parameter is zero if the files are stored as binary records, and 1 if the data is to be stored as comma separated (CSV) values (future versions might store XML formatted records).  If in binary mode then Boolean and INT8 registers will occupy one byte.  INT16 occupy two bytes, INT32 and REAL32 use four bytes, STRING-32 use 32 bytes and STRING-256 uses 256 bytes.  Data is ‘Little Endian’.  CSV file records are terminated with a “,EOL” (for End Of Line) plus a ‘NEW LINE’.

      The sixth parameter determines if a Time Stamp is to be prepended to each record.  CSV records will have the HH,MM,SS,mSec, values in military mode (0-23 hours, using system timezone).  The Binary mode time stamp will be an INT32 number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 (using UTC timezone) followed by an INT32 microseconds.  The File Name will either have “_TS” or “_noTS” whether the records are Time Stamped or not Time Stamped.  A sample CSV record with Time-Stamp could appear as (at 13:23:09.774  or  1:23 PM) with PI, Feet-In-Mile, and Body Temperature as: 13,23,9,774,3.14,5280,98.6,EOL


NOTE 1: Be careful to use a unique File name for each Starting Data point or else the file management function will delete more files associated with the lower addressed set of data.  A TILDE (~) character separates Two dots (..) separate the end of the base File Name from the appended Date Stamp and other appended characters.
