The Master Channel configuration defines a "Scan Group" to a collection of field units that may be over one of the available serial or network circuits. The Master Channel defines how each field unit is scanned over the network, and is independent of which protocols are being used on individual field units.
Attributes | Function |
Object Type | Master Channel |
Parent(s) | System → Clients → Master Channels |
Instance | 0 to 15 (typically 15 is reserved for Internal Channels |
The Master Channel must have at least one child Circuit object defined (Async or Network).
Properties | Values |
Name | Enter the Master Channel name. This is the name which appears in the user diagnostics menu, and is also see in an HCP diagnostic window if used with Elecsys HCP. |
Channel Type | In some configurations this may be listed as "Direct Master", which includes a few operational differences noted below. The main differences between the Channel Types are listed below: Direct Master
Direct Master Flex Scan
Auto Start | Select the automatic polling method for the channel. Automatic polling types supported are:
Response Timeout | Enter the response timeout in milliseconds. Time in milliseconds to wait for a poll response before declaring the message failed. For Network Circuits, if a scan fails because the socket is broken or interface is unavailable, then the Master Channel protocol will wait a period of time (Response Timeout * 2) to try the next IP address in the Circuit. |
Broadcast Delay | Unused. |
Interpoll delay | Enter the interpoll delay in milliseconds. Use this to add a delay between each poll sent by the channel to any field unit. Time in milliseconds to wait between each poll. |
Scan Effective Limit | The Scan Effective Limit is the time (in seconds) defining which scans in the Scan Table are considered "effective" – meaning, polls which affect the status of the Field Unit if there are poll failures. Scan Table entries which have a Scan Period greater than the Scan Effective Limit do not mark the Field Unit offline when the scan fails. For instance, if the Scan Effective Limit is configured for 30 seconds, then any scans defined with Scan Period <= 30 will be used to mark the Field unit online or offline. Scans with Scan Period greater than 30 will not mark the Field Unit offline even if they fail. The Scan Effective Limit only applies to the "Direct Master Flex Scan Table" version of the channel object. A Scan Effective Limit of 0 disables this feature, thus all polls will affect the Field Unit status. |
Network Recovery | Enter the network recovery period in seconds. Time period to wait after an RTU fails, before attempting to re-establish communications with that RTU. This will take the device off scan, allowing other devices on the channel to be polled more frequently and not waste as much time retrying a failed device. |
Scan Table | Click the Edit Table button to define the order and selection of polls to be sent to all field units on this channel, independent of protocol. Field Unit configurations (Modbus, etc.) define the protocol-specific nature of the individual polls that are sent. Only one Unit Address/Poll Record combination can be entered in the Scan Table. Any subsequent table entries with duplicate Unit Address/Poll Record will be ignored. Scan Table details: Unit Address - This is the Field Unit Address as configured in each field unit on this Channel. (To force the Scan Table to ignore the Scan Period, enter a Scan Table row with the Unit Address of -1.) Poll Record - This is the row number in the Poll Record in the Field Unit definition. The first row in a Poll Table is referenced as record 1. Only those polls which are to be polled continuously need to be listed in this Scan Table. Scan Period - Enter the scan period in seconds. The Scan Period is the amount of time to use for scheduling each scan (global for all scans in the Direct Master, or configured per scan row in the Direct Master Flex Scan Table). For the Direct Master, the channel will restart the scan table sequence after the Scan Period has expired. If the total time for a given channel exceeds the scan period, the next scan shall be scheduled immediately. For the Direct Master Flex Scan Table, each poll is scheduled based on its own Scan Period. If the total time required for scans at any point is greater than allowed by the Scan Periods, the scans will operate as fast as possible. Setting a Scan Period to a negative number will disable a scan. However, the first entry in the Scan Table for each Unit Address should not be disabled, or it may not correctly set the Alive/Dead status of the unit. Comment - Optional column, allowing a descriptive comment to be entered for each row in the table. The Comment field is unused in the configuration. |
An Async Circuit is a serial communications path to one or more field units from a common Master Channel, using an Async serial port. The Async Circuit allows for redundant serial ports to a common set of field units, such as a Primary and Secondary radio or modem communication path.
You should generally use a single AsyncCircuit object for a single physical serial port, and include multiple FieldUnit objects under it if they are multidropped on the same serial line. (One exception to this is when mixing serial communications with a DF1 PLC and other devices, since the DF1 has a customized circuit definition.)
Attributes | Function |
Object Type | AsyncCircuit |
Parent(s) | System → Clients → Master Channels → Master Channel |
Instance | Must be between 0 and 16. |
The Async Circuit should have at least one Field Unit child object defined under it.
Properties | Values |
Primary Port | Select the primary physical communication port for this circuit. The selected port must be defined as an object under Networks, where its Async port properties (baud rate, etc.) are also defined (see the section 4-Master Channel#Async Port). The same port (e.g. COM1) may also be shared with certain other tasks, such as Terminal Server, and may be used with Virtual Ports. |
A Network Circuit is an IP network communications path to one or more field units from a common Master Channel. The Network Circuit is used when the field unit is connected via a network, such as TCP/IP, PPP, or SLIP.
Because of the fact that the Network Circuit includes the IP address of the end device, you will generally need to use multiple Network Circuit objects under a channel, one per device. (An exception would be a bridged device that uses a single IP address but represents multiple protocol FieldUnit devices.)
Each Network Circuit represents a TCP socket connection to a device, which is made when the Master Channel initiates a poll to the device. Each socket (one or more, if configured) is kept open independently according to the Failover Delay parameter (time to live). This avoids having to open and close sockets repeatedly to the device, as long as the scan interval is less than the Failover Delay and polls are successful.
Attributes | Function |
Object Type | NetCircuit |
Parent(s) | System → Clients → Master Channels → Master Channel |
Instance | Must be consecutive, starting from 0 (unique among other types of circuits). The Network Circuit should have at least one Field Unit child object defined under it. |
Properties | Values |
Circuit Type | Select the circuit type as 'Network Circuit' |
Failover Delay | Time to Live for network socket (in seconds). Make sure this is large enough to allow for the time it takes to poll on this circuit, taking into account timeouts and interpoll delays of all scans on the channel. |
Master Network Port | Must be consecutive, starting from 0 (unique among other types of circuits). The Network Circuit should have at least one Field Unit child object defined under it. |
Connect Table | Click the Edit Table button to edit the IP address or list of IP addresses to connect for the Field Unit(s) on this circuit. Entering multiple IP addresses will allow failover connections when one connection fails (all connections made to the same Master Network Port on different IP addresses). Destination Address Enter the IP address to connect. The IP address must be in the same IP network or reachable via the Default Gateway or Route Table configuration. Interface Enter the network interface over which to connect to this Destination Address. The network interface must match the Interface name in the ACE object (such as "Ether1") rather than the Linux interface name (such as "eth0"). |
The DF1 RS-232 Async Circuit is a special serial communications path to one or more Allen Bradley DF1 field units from a common Master Channel. Use this circuit instead of the generic Async Circuit when configuring a DF1 field unit under a Master Channel.
See the Protocol_DF1-CSP-Master protocol documentation for information on configuring the DF1 RS-232 Async Circuit and FieldUnit.
The HART Circuit object is a special serial communications path for one or more HART devices from a common master channel. Use this circuit instead of the generic Async Circuit when configuring a HART device under a Master Channel.
See the Protocol_HART-Master protocol documentation for information on configuring the HART Circuit and FieldUnit.
The NMEA Field Unit object contains unique information for a special internal Field Unit that reads location information from an Elecsys cellular modem.
Attributes | Function |
Object Type | FieldUnitModbus32, FieldUnitModbusTCP32 |
Parent(s) | System → Clients → Master Channels → Master Channel → Circuit |
Instance | Must be unique under a channel |
The NMEA Field Unit must have an RTDB child object defined under it.
Properties | Values |
Unit Name | Enter the field unit name. Unit name is displayed in diagnostic menus and in an HCP diagnostic screen. |
Unit Address | Enter the actual field unit address which is configured in the device being polled. Valid Modbus addresses 1 to 255. |
An RTDB (Real Time DataBase) defines the size of the virtual database reserved for the Field Unit. All FieldUnit objects require a child RTDB in order to function properly, which is defined using a numeric register address format (typically, using Modbus-like addresses).
Attributes | Function |
Object Type | RtdbMod |
Parent(s) | System → Clients → Master Channels → Master Channel → Circuit → Field Unit |
Instance | Must be 0. |
The RTDB object supports several additional optional child objects (see the sections 4-Master Channel#Deadband , 4-Master Channel#Pre-Initialized RTDB, Tag Names, 4-Master Channel#Data Blocking, and 4-Master Channel#Timestamp).
Properties | Values |
Database Definition | Click the Edit Table button to edit the details of the RTDB definition. Point Count – Enter the number of data points of this type to be allocated space in the database. Field Format – Select the point data format: Boolean – Boolean The following field formats are the same as the above but do not generate an RBE flag when the data changes, even if the Field Unit is set to Produce RBEs=Yes. No-Rbe Boolean – Boolean Data Address – Enter the address of the starting register within the RTDB for the Field Format and Count defined on this row. Comment - Optional column, allowing a descriptive comment to be entered for each row in the table. The Comment field is unused in the configuration. |
A Deadband object defines deadbands for the data fields configured within a Real-time Database (RTDB). This is only used to reduce the communications traffic on an RBE (Report by Exception) connection. If no RBE connection is configured, an RTDB does not require a Deadband object.
The way the deadband works is that when a poll occurs and data is received from a Field Unit, if there is a Deadband defined for any of the points included in the poll, the current value in the RTDB is checked first. If the new values are not changed from the existing RTDB values by an amount greater than the deadband, the values are discarded and not stored in the RTDB.
Attributes | Function |
Object Type | LinuxDeadband |
Parent(s) | System → Clients → Master Channels → Master Channel → Circuit → Field Unit → RTDB |
Instance | Must be 0 |
Properties | Values |
Deadband | Click the Edit Table button and add as many rows as necessary to define the desired deadband values for the points in the RTDB.
For example, let's say the RTDB is configured with the following fields:
Point Count | Type | Data address | |
Field 1: | 100 | Boolean | 1 |
Field 2: | 100 | Boolean | 10001 |
Field 3: | 100 | UINT16 | 30001 |
Field 4: | 100 | UINT32 | 40001 |
The first four analogs at address 30,001 are 12-bit analogs that change from 0 to 4095, and we want to deadband them to report as RBE only when their values change more than 5% of their range (205). The 3rd and 4th analogs in the range starting at 40,001 we want to throttle their RBE reports to only change when the values increase or decrease by 100 and 500, respectively. All other points will be allowed to report as RBE with any single change positive or negative in their values. For this example, the Deadband table will be defined as follows:
Field | Offset | Count | Deadband | Explanation |
3 | 0 | 4 | 205 | Deadband for 30,001-30,004, 5% of its range |
4 | 2 | 1 | 100 | Deadband for 40,003 |
4 | 3 | 1 | 500 | Deadband for 40,004 |
Ordinarily, all RTDB database locations are initialized to zero values upon system startup (or zero-length strings). However, sometimes it may be desired to initialize certain database locations to a non-zero value, before any polling or other data operation occurs. Each RTDB has an optional ACE object that allows one or more registers to be initialized at startup.
Attributes | Function |
Object Type | PreInitRtdb |
Parent(s) | System → Clients → Master Channels → Master Channel → Circuit → Field Unit → RTDB |
Instance | Must be 0 |
Properties | Values |
Init Values | Click the Edit Table button to define any pre-initialized RTDB values.
RTDB database locations are configured using numeric address locations. However, the optional Tag Names child object under the RTDB allows one or more numeric address to be associated with an ASCII tag. This may be used for publishing data by tag using MQTT, for internal display using Custom Reports, and they may be used for other purposes.
Attributes | Function |
Object Type | TagNames |
Parent(s) | System → Clients → Master Channels → Master Channel → Circuit → Field Unit → RTDB |
Instance | Must be 0 |
Properties | Values |
Init Values | Click the Edit Table button to define any RTDB tags.
The Data Blocking object allows groups of RTDB points to be blocked together for exception reporting (RBE) to an HCP. If any one point in the defined Data Block changes, all the points are reported, including the unchanged ones. If no data blocking capability is required, this object is optional.
Although it is normally recommended to store 32-bit data into 32-bit registers, Data Blocking could be used if a configuration requires 32-bit data to be stored in pairs of 16-bit registers. Each pair of registers could be defined in a separate row (count of 2), and if either value changes, the Data Block will force both registers in the pair to be reported together.
Attributes | Function |
Object Type | |
Parent(s) | System → Clients → Master Channels → Master Channel → Circuit → Field Unit → RTDB |
Instance | Must be 0 |
Properties | Values |
Block Definition | Click the Edit Table button to add as many rows as necessary to define the Data Block capability.
Parent(s) | System → Clients → Master Channels → Master Channel → Field Unit → RTDB |
Instance | Must be 0 |
Data Blocking does not work properly if you are using Pre-Initialized registers on the same RTDB. Blocks will be broken up at the boundaries of pre-initialized registers. Data Blocking does not work if the blocks span discontiguous (non-sequential) register addresses in the RTDB. |
A Timestamp object is used to store the time and date at which data is polled by a Master Channel. The timestamp is stored in register(s) within the RTDB, and thus may itself be reported with the RBE packet or polled via a Slave Channel.
Timestamps may be stored in one of two conditions whenever a specified poll occurs:
Attributes | Function |
Object Type | LinuxTimeStamp |
Parent(s) | System → Clients → Master Channels → Master Channel → Circuit → Field Unit → RTDB |
Instance | Must be 0 |
Properties | Values |
Reserved | Unused field |
Timestamp | Click the Edit Table button to add as many rows as necessary to define the Timestamp operation. Poll Number – Enter the row number of the poll defined in the unit's Poll Table. Whenever this poll occurs for the defined points (or when any changed data points are stored in the RTDB field), a timestamp is also stored. Poll numbers start at 1. Stamp Address – Register address within the RTDB for this Field Unit in which to store the timestamp value for this poll. The Stamp Address should be the first of one or more registers with a UINT16 or UINT32 data type, and must be defined in the RTDB with the correct quantity and type. Make sure that each register or registers occupied by the timestamp are not overwritten by any other data value to avoid conflicting data. Stamp Format – Data format to use when storing data into the specified register (UINT16 or UINT32). The Stamp Format should be chosen appropriately to match the Stamp Type (below), and the data type of the RTDB register. UINT24 or UINT32 data types should be stored into a UINT32 RTDB register.
Stamp Type – Format in which to store the timestamp.
Comment - Optional column, allowing a descriptive comment to be entered for each row in the table. The Comment field is unused in the configuration. |