RediGate Diagnostics Manual

RediGate Diagnostics Manual

 Elecsys Product and Support Information


Product Information 
Full information about other Elecsys products is available on our website at www.elecsyscorp.com and the RediGate Product Support page.

Product Support
Tel: +1-913-890-8905
Fax: +1-913-982-5766
Email: idc-support@elecsyscorp.com

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Elecsys Corporation
846 N Mart-Way Court
Olathe, KS 66061
Tel: +1-913-647-0158
Fax: +1-913-982-5766
Email: info@elecsyscorp.com 

While Elecsys may assist customers with their choice of products, the final choice of product for a specific application is entirely the responsibility of the buyer. Elecsys' entire liability with respect to its products or systems is defined in the Elecsys standard terms and conditions of sale.

Any example code is provided only to illustrate the use of Elecsys products. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is made regarding any example code provided by Elecsys and Elecsys shall incur no liability whatsoever arising from any use made of this code. 


The information in this manual is believed to be accurate at the time of publication. Elecsys Corporation assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies that may be contained in this document and makes no commitment to update or keep current the information contained in this manual. Elecsys Corporation assumes no responsibility for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Elecsys Corporation reserves the right to make changes or improvements to this document and/or product at any time and without notice. While Elecsys may assist customers with their choice of products, the final choice of product for a specific application is entirely the responsibility of the buyer. Elecsys' entire liability with respect to its products or systems is defined in the Elecsys standard terms and conditions of sale.

Any example code is provided only to illustrate the use of Elecsys products. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is made regarding any example code provided by Elecsys and Elecsys shall incur no liability whatsoever arising from any use made of this code.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection

These units contain devices that could be damaged by the discharge of static electricity.  At all times, please observe industry standard ESD precautions when handling the unit.  


© 2024 Elecsys Corporation


Table of Contents



This manual describes diagnostic capabilities and some troubleshooting information for the RediGate industrial data gateway products, including:

  • RediGate MMI user diagnostic menus
  • Linux console commands
  • UBoot, Bootloader, and startup sequence

The Elecsys gateway products are multi-function communication interface devices, which can be configured for many different types of applications such as protocol conversion, data concentration, and report-by-exception of data.  Diagnostics are available to diagnose communication problems and to verify proper operation of every aspect of the system.

Some features described herein may only be available on more recent software releases of the gateway device. Variations between different product models will be distinguished where needed.

Configuration Requirements

This document refers to the gateway configuration or "ACE configuration," which is created and uploaded to the RediGate using the ACE Configuration Editor. See the article Installing ACE and the http://redigate.elecsyscorp.com/manuals/ page for documentation on using ACE to configure the RediGate.

Serial Diagnostics 

The RediGate typically uses COM0 for a local serial diagnostics port. When the RediGate is powered on, it sends startup messages to its COM0 port.  A terminal program must be set up with communication parameters configured for a baud rate of 115,200, no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit.

RediGate 100 series: COM0 is available via the Micro-USB port on the front of the device. See the article Installing USB Driver for installing the required USB serial driver in Windows.

RediGate 400 series: COM0 is a DB-9 RS-232 port. Pinout is: pin 3–TX, pin 2–RX, pin 5–GND (use a null modem serial cable to a configuration computer).

In order to use the serial diagnostics (MMI or Linux console) after startup, the following objects are required in the RediGate configuration:

  • COM0 (AsyncPort instance 0, under Networks) - Should have 115.2K baud, and -1 for Warm Up and Warm Down Time.
  • Serial MMI (under Servers) - Should have COM0 selected for Com Port.

Network Diagnostics

Diagnostics are available through a network connection via a secure shell (SSH) login, typically using IP port 22.

In order to use network diagnostics, the following things are required in the RediGate configuration: 

  • A RediGate with Ethernet must have an IP address configured to an Ethernet port;
  • and/or, the RediGate must have the cellular modem configured, and have an activated cellular account that allows mobile-terminated connections.

(NOTE: Some cellular account activations do not allow SSH connections to be made to cellular device. Check with your account provider for information on this.

  • The Firewall configuration must allow a user to make an SSH connection to the RediGate. In the Port Management table, include one or more entries to ACCEPT TCP port 22, such as:

User Accounts

The RediGate has three different user accounts that can be logged into for different purposes.


User AccountPassword File TransferUser Menu LoginLinux Command Prompt

(depends on ACE System object configuration)

(depends on ACE System object configuration)


No file transfer over TCP (SSH)


(depends on ACE System object configuration)


No file transfer over COM0

NOYes (limited permissions)
root (contact Elecsys for default password) 


No file transfer over COM0

(but can use 'su user' to start the MMI)


  • User Account: Provides access via a terminal console to the RediGate MMI diagnostic menus, described in this document.
    The User account is also needed to load configurations or other files through the COM0 serial port.
    The User account is configured in the System object of ACE. The default values for name / password are: user / user

    When loading files with the User account, they are stored in the /home/director folder until being installed.

    NOTE: Do not use the User account when loading files over the network.
  • Dirupld (file upload) Account: Allows a non-root user to load files to the RediGate over the network.
    The Upload account has a username of Dirupld (all lowercase except the first "D", next to last letter is lowercase "L"). The password is the same as the User Account.
    When loading files with the Upload account, they are stored in the /home/Dirupld folder until being installed.

  • Root Account: Provides administrative access to the Linux operating system and allows loading configurations or other files over the network.
    The Root account is not configured through ACE for security reasons (see the article Changing the Root Password).
    The user name is typically  root  and you can contact Elecsys by email idc-support@elecsyscorp.com for the default root password.
    Loading files with the Root account allows files to be stored into either the /home/director or /home/Dirupld folder.

    NOTE: Do not use the Root or Dirupld accounts when loading files through the serial diagnostics port.

Setting Up Terminal Program

The RediGate diagnostics menu and console are accessed using a terminal program over serial or SSH. There are several terminal programs you can use.

Tera Term: The ACE Configuration Editor (as of version 3.5) includes a built-in option to "Connect to Device." See this article for details: ACE 'Connect to Device' Menu

PuTTY: See these articles for installing and setting up PuTTY:
Setting Up Putty for USB Connection (for RediGate 100 series)
Setting up PuTTY for Serial Communication (for RediGate 400)
Setting up Putty for Network Communication

ExtraPuTTY: Similar to PuTTY, but with additional options such as serial and network file transfer options. Download ExtraPuTTY from http://www.extraputty.com/download.php

RediGate User MMI

Log in to the RediGate using the User account to access the user MMI menus. The following sub-sections describe the diagnostic options for each menu in the user MMI. 

 Main Menu

After logging in to the MMI, the Main Manu is displayed.

================ Main Menu ============== ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-07-24-1300)  Wed Jul 26 22:20:20 2017 UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <40170-0118>-SerialNumb ---------------------------------------------  1) System      Services  2) Directory   Services  3) Diagnostics Services

99 Log Off

Make selection:

The current software version (tarball version, 2017-07-24-1300) is shown in the first line of each menu. On the second line is the Unit Name (UnitName), Unit Number (1), and Ethernet 0 IP address ( which are set in the ACE configuration. The second line also includes the serial number (40170-0118), which is unit-specific.

The four menu items under the Main Menu are:

  • System Services – Enable or disable various RediGate system services.
  • Directory Services – View or change system files used by in the RediGate MMI.
  • Diagnostics Services – Enable or disable diagnostics and view diagnostic messages.
  • Log Off – Close this MMI session and log off the RediGate.


Menus are selected by typing the number next to the item and pressing Enter.  Pressing Enter at any menu (except the Main Menu) will return to the next higher menu.



1- System Services Menu

Main Menu → System Services

The System Services menu is used to restart the system, change the system clock, view the status or enable/disable certain RediGate processes.

Enter 1 at the Main Menu for the System Services menu.

 ================ System Services ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-07-24-1300)  Wed Jul 26 22:47:52 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <40170-0118>-SerialNumb
 1) Boot/Reconfigure     2) Set Clock
 3) Channel Status       4) Channel Enable/Disable
 5) Channel Scan         6) Single Poll
 7) RTU Enable/Disable   8) RTU Scan
 9) RPN Calculator      10) New Master Key
11) Read Handshake Pins 12) Write Handshake Pins
13) Run Custom Utility  14) MQttClient to Next Broker
15) Cell Modem Diags

Make selection:

1- Boot/Reconfigure

Main Menu → System Services → Boot/Reconfigure

Use this option to restart the RediGate or to reconfigure it after loading a new configuration or firmware update (the ACE program's upload menu will automatically reconfigure if the "Deploy immediately" box is checked).

Enter 1 for Boot/Reconfigure, and then either: Y to confirm the reboot, N to cancel, or R to reconfigure. The Reconfigure option stops and restarts the RediGate software, whereas the Reboot option restarts the entire Linux operating system.

If a new configuration and/or firmware file has been loaded to the RediGate, it will be installed when the system restarts.

================ Boot/Reconfigure Director ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-07-24-1300)  Wed Jul 26 23:04:38 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <40170-0118>-SerialNumb

 WARNING! Restarting unit will terminate all polling!
Non Auto-Start Channels must be individually restarted!
Enter 'Y' or 'N' to reboot, or 'R' to reconfigure.

Restart Unit (Y/N/R) ? r

2- Set Clock

Main Menu → System Services → Set Clock

Manually set the RediGate date and time. In systems where the RediGate has NTP (Network Time Protocol) configured, or is connected to an HCP, or is configured to get time through GPS, the clock should be automatically updated, so there is no need to set it through the MMI.

Enter 2 for Set Clock, then enter the new date and time of the system using the following format: MMDDhhmmYYYY.ss where MM=month, DD=day, hh=hour (00 to 23), mm=minute, YYYY=year, and (optional) ss=seconds.

Set Date & Time? (Y/N) y
Mon Jul 31 11:02:26 UTC 2017

Note: MMDDhhmmYYYY   ....includes leading zeros
(Examp. New Years Eve of 2015 : 123123592015) :
(Examp. Two seconds til  2016 : 123123592015.58) : 073112002017
Mon Jul 31 17:00:00 UTC 2017

Write to Hardware clock (Y/N) ? y

Wrote system time to hardware clock

Press ENTER to continue

3- Channel Status (System)

Main Menu → System Services → Channel Status

List status of each Master Channel.

Enter 3 for Channel Status. Enter Y to redisplay or L to view a log of Enable and Disable commands that have been received. Press the Space bar to page through the log.

Channel Status

Chan Name              Status    Rtus Time
==== ==============    ========  ==== ==================
   0 Channel0          w/Errors     1  Mon Jul 31 19:38:20 2017
   2 Master Channel    Normal       1  Mon Jul 31 10:56:57 2017
  15 Channel15         Normal       1  Mon Jul 31 10:56:57 2017

Redisplay (Y/N/L where L is Log of Enables/Disables) ? L

Press SPACE to advance through log. Q to Quit
Mon Jul 31 19:37:52 UTC 2017 Channel-0: Enable
Mon Jul 31 19:33:32 UTC 2017 Channel-0: Disable

See Channel Status for details on the Master Channel status information.

4- Channel Enable/Disable

Main Menu → System Services → Channel Enable/Disable

Enable or disable all polling on a Master Channel.

Enter 4 for Channel Enable/Disable. Enter the channel number, then either 0 to Disable or 1 to Enable the channel polling.

Channel Enable/Disable

Chan Name              Status    Rtus Time
==== ==============    ========  ==== ==================
   0 Channel0          w/Errors     1  Sun Aug 13 08:06:11 2017
   2 Master Channel    Normal       1  Sun Aug 13 08:03:41 2017
  15 Channel15         Normal       1  Sun Aug 13 08:03:41 2017

Channel 0-15 0

  0=Disable 1=Enable ? 0

Channel(0) Disable sent

See Channel Status for details on the Master Channel status information.

When a channel is disabled, it will have a status "Suspended" and its Field Units will typically have the status "Stopped."

================ Rtu Status ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Sun Aug 13 08:16:05 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb
Chan Name              Status    Rtus Time
==== ==============    ========  ==== ==================
   0 Channel0          Suspended    1  Sun Aug 13 08:15:58 2017
   2 Master Channel    Normal       1  Sun Aug 13 08:03:41 2017
  15 Channel15         Normal       1  Sun Aug 13 08:03:41 2017

Enter Channel (0 to 15, -1 for all) ? 0

  -----------------RTU----------------   -----POLL-------  -------ERRORS-------
 Addr Name             Protocol Status     Time     Count  TimOut BadData Frame
----- ---------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ------- -----
    1 Modbus01         MBMAST00 Stopped  08:15:58        0    656       0    0

5- Channel Scan

Main Menu → System Services → Channel Scan

Trigger one complete scan of a Master Channel, regardless of its enable/disable status or the length of the configured Scan Periods. Scanning the channel will put it back into Enabled mode.

Enter 5 for Channel Scan. Enter the Master Channel number, and Y to trigger the scan.

Channel Scan

Chan Name              Status    Rtus Time
==== ==============    ========  ==== ==================
   0 Channel0          Suspended    1  Sun Aug 13 08:15:58 2017
   2 Master Channel    Normal       1  Sun Aug 13 08:03:41 2017
  15 Channel15         Normal       1  Sun Aug 13 08:03:41 2017

Channel 0-15 0
  Scan Channel-0 (Y/N) ? y

  Channel(0) sent scan all

6- Single Poll

Main Menu → System Services → Single Poll

If you have a long poll interval for one or more scans in a Master Channel, use the Single Poll option to execute the scan on demand.

Enter 6 for Single Poll. Enter the Master Channel number, Y if you want to view the Scan Table configuration, and the Index number of the scan to run immediately. The poll will be sent even if the Channel or RTU are disabled.

Single Rtu Poll

Chan Name              Status    Rtus Time
==== ==============    ========  ==== ==================
   0 Channel0          Suspended    1  Sun Aug 13 10:00:02 2017
   2 Master Channel    Normal       1  Sun Aug 13 09:59:02 2017
  15 Channel15         Normal       1  Sun Aug 13 09:59:03 2017

Channel 0-15 0

  -----------------RTU----------------   -----POLL-------  -------ERRORS-------
 Addr Name             Protocol Status     Time     Count  TimOut BadData Frame
----- ---------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ------- -----
    1 Modbus01         MBMAST00 No Polls 10:00:03        0      3       0    0
Do you want to see the Scan Table? (y/n) y

 Index RtuAdr  Poll  Rate(Sec)
     0      1     1    3600
     1      1     2      60

  Enter Scan Index (0 to 1)  0

  Channel(0) sent scan all

7- RTU Enable/Disable

Main Menu → System Services → RTU Enable/Disable

Disable polling of a single Field Unit on a Master Channel.

Enter 7 for RTU Enable/Disable. Enter the Master Channel number and the Field Unit address to disable.

Enabling an RTU does not currently work (as of 8/17/2017). Instead, use RTU Scan or Channel Scan to re-enable the device polling.

Rtu Enable/Disable

Chan Name              Status    Rtus Time
==== ==============    ========  ==== ==================
   0 Channel0          Suspended    1  Sun Aug 13 10:12:25 2017
   2 Master Channel    Normal       1  Sun Aug 13 09:59:02 2017
  15 Channel15         Normal       1  Sun Aug 13 09:59:03 2017

Channel 0-15 0

 Addr Name             Dbg? Protocol Status
----- ---------------- ---- -------- ------
    1 Modbus01         ON   MBMAST00 Stopped
  Enter Rtu to Modify 1

 0=Disable, 1=Enable ? 0

  Channel(0) sent Rtu00001...Disabled

8- RTU Scan

Main Menu → System Services → RTU Scan

If you have a long poll interval for one or more scans in a Master Channel, you can force all polls to be scanned by selecting the RTU Scan option. This option can also be used to restart polling of an RTU after disabling the Channel or RTU.

Enter 8 for RTU Scan. Enter the Master Channel number and the device address to scan.

Rtu Scan

Chan Name              Status    Rtus Time
==== ==============    ========  ==== ==================
   0 Channel0          Suspended    1  Sun Aug 13 10:06:54 2017
   2 Master Channel    Normal       1  Sun Aug 13 09:59:02 2017
  15 Channel15         Normal       1  Sun Aug 13 09:59:03 2017

Channel 0-15 0

 Addr Name             Dbg? Protocol Status
----- ---------------- ---- -------- ------
    1 Modbus01         ON   MBMAST00 Stopped
  Enter Rtu to Scan 1

Sent Scan RTU 1

9- RPN Calculator

Main Menu → System Services → RPN Calculator

Reverse Polish notation calculator utility allows several simple calculations to be performed within the RediGate menu.

Enter 9 for RPN Calculator. Enter ? at any prompt to redisplay the menu, or Q to quit/exit the calculator.

The Reverse Polish notation calculator operates on numbers entered into a "stack", with the numbers entered first followed by the operator.

Use D to display all current values in the stack, C to clear all values in the stack, E to erase only the last (current) value in the stack.

Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and power X^Y (P) operate on the two highest numbers in the stack, displaying the result and leaving the result in the next lower stack position.

Modulo (M) divides the previous stack value X by current stack value Y and gives the remainder as an integer in the next lower stack location.

Square root (R), invert 1/X (I), natural log ln (L), inverse log ex (X), and trig functions (T) operate on the highest number in the stack, displaying the result and leaving the result in the current stack position.

Sum (S) all values in the stack (up to 80) and leave the sum in the lowest stack position.

Analysis (A) shows the average value and standard deviation of all values in the stack (leaving current stack values unchanged).

Floating point math (F) converts either from floating point to hexadecimal, or from hexadecimal to floating point. (Note: this operation does not use the RPN stack.)

For example:

  • To calculate the value of (3 + 5) / 2, enter:  3  5  +  2  /
    The result is a value of 4 in stack location [0].

Value\Operator (+,-,*,/,?,I,L,M,C,Q,D,R,P,S,T,E,A,F,X) Stack>0 3

Stack[0] = 3

Value\Operator (+,-,*,/,?,I,L,M,C,Q,D,R,P,S,T,E,A,F,X) Stack>1 5

Stack[1] = 5

Value\Operator (+,-,*,/,?,I,L,M,C,Q,D,R,P,S,T,E,A,F,X) Stack>2 +

Stack[0] = 8

Value\Operator (+,-,*,/,?,I,L,M,C,Q,D,R,P,S,T,E,A,F,X) Stack>1 2

Stack[1] = 2

Value\Operator (+,-,*,/,?,I,L,M,C,Q,D,R,P,S,T,E,A,F,X) Stack>2 /

Stack[0] = 4

Value\Operator (+,-,*,/,?,I,L,M,C,Q,D,R,P,S,T,E,A,F,X) Stack>1

  • To convert a floating point number to hexadecimal, enter F and the number to convert. Enter 0 or 0.0 to exit the floating point calculator.
  • To convert a hexadecimal number to floating point, enter F and some non-zero number. Then enter four hexadecimal bytes, most-significant to least-significant.

Value\Operator (+,-,*,/,?,I,L,M,C,Q,D,R,P,S,T,E,A,F,X) Stack>0 f


Enter a Floating point value (0.0 to exit) 2.0

Hex MSB to LSB = 40 0 0 0

Now enter four Hex bytes to dislay in Floating point

Enter MSB first then LSB last Enter Hex Byte 3 40

Enter Hex Byte 2 80

Enter Hex Byte 1 00

Enter Hex Byte 0 00

Floating value =           4

Enter a Floating point value (0.0 to exit)

10- New Master Key

This is a legacy menu which is no longer used in the RediGate.

11- Read Handshake Pins

Main Menu → System Services → Read Handshake Pins

Diagnostic menu to read the current status of RS-232 serial port handshaking inputs (requires configuration and hardware with an RS-232 serial port).

Enter 11 for Read Handshake Pins. Enter the instance number of the serial port, and E if using the Elecsys serial port driver (typical) or L if using the Linux serial driver (normally on COM0).

================ Monitor /dev/acscomm?? handshaking pins ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-07-24-1300)  Sun Aug 13 13:00:08 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <40170-0118>-SerialNumb
NOTE:This might require rebooting afterwards
Enter Serial Port Index 1 to 20 (console=0) 2

E=ElecSys driver  L=Linux driver e
Params=[9600 stop=1 word=8 parenb=0 pareven=0 parstick=0  mode=0 w_up=0 w_down=0]
 36:        203        SC  20  UART9
 38:         19        SC  22  zeus16550
 39:       1025        SC  23  pxa2xx-mci
 41:          0        SC  25  DMA
 42:       5833        SC  26  ost0
 44:          0        SC  28  Comms Timer Tick
 85:         16      GPIO  35  bt:dtr
103:          0      GPIO  53  mmc card detect
131:       1511      GPIO  81  eth0
Err:          0

Enter '1' to abort


The current state of Carrier Detect (DCD) and Clear to Send (CTS) inputs are shown once/second (LOW or HI). Enter 1 to stop the display.

12- Write Handshake Pins

Main Menu → System Services → Write Handshake Pins

 Diagnostic menu to enable or disable the handshaking outputs of an RS-232 port (requires configuration and hardware with an RS-232 serial port).

Enter 12 for Write Handshake Pins. Enter the instance number of the serial port, and E if using the Elecsys serial port driver (typical) or L if using the Linux serial driver (normally on COM0).

================ Force /dev/acscomm?? handshaking pins ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-07-24-1300)  Sun Aug 13 13:09:33 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <40170-0118>-SerialNumb
NOTE:This might require rebooting afterwards
Enter Serial Port Index 1 to 20 (console=0) 2

E=ElecSys driver  L=Linux driver e
Params=[9600 stop=1 word=8 parenb=0 pareven=0 parstick=0  mode=0 w_up=0 w_down=0]
 36:        203        SC  20  UART9
 38:         95        SC  22  zeus16550
 39:       1025        SC  23  pxa2xx-mci
 41:          0        SC  25  DMA
 42:      43630        SC  26  ost0
 44:          0        SC  28  Comms Timer Tick
 85:         16      GPIO  35  bt:dtr
103:          0      GPIO  53  mmc card detect
131:      13335      GPIO  81  eth0
Err:          0
RTS: 0=Low 1=High ? 0
Set COM(2) to 0
DTR: 0=Low 1=High ? 1
Set COM(2) to 1

Enter 1 or 0 to turn ON or OFF the Request to Send (RTS) and Data Terminal Ready (DTR) handshaking outputs.

13- Run Custom Utility

Main Menu → System Services → Run Custom Utility

Custom Utility menu option allows a custom shell script or utility to be run from the user menu. This option requires one or more executable scripts to have previously been loaded onto the RediGate in the /usr/director/bin/ directory, with names beginning "CustUtil" and ending with "_#" (where # is a unique integer up to 32,767).

Enter 13 to select the Run Custom Utility menu. A list of available scripts is displayed. Enter the number of the script following the last _ character.

Make selection: 13

CustUtil_NAT_Menu_5   CustUtil_atest_0
CustUtil_Stuff_UFF_4  CustUtil_iptables_1

Enter Index of Custom Utility 0 to N 0

Running CustUtil*_0

Here is a script!

14- MQttClient to Next Broker

Main Menu → System Services → MQttClient to Next Broker

Force an MQTT Client to walk to the next broker IP address.

If only one IP address is configured in the MQ Client (or MQ Client Extra), this will force a disconnect and reconnection to the same broker, along with all initial subscriptions and data publication. Before walking to the next broker IP, you can turn on MQClient diagnostics (Main Menu → Diagnostic Services → Task Diags). Then afterward, check the Monitor Diag's menu to view the MQTT diagnostics during the reconnection.

Enter 14 for MQttClient to Next Broker. If more than one MQ Client is configured, enter 0, 1, or 2 to select which one. Enter Y to force it to the next broker IP address.

================ MQttClient to Next Broker ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Thu Aug 17 06:18:54 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb
0 ==> MQisdp

1 ==> MQisdpX0

Could not find MQisdpX1

Which MQ Client to force? (0 to 1) 0
Are you certain you want to force it to the next broker? (y/n) y

Checking connection in 5 seconds.  Enter any character to return to MENU

If the connection cannot be made, the last line may be repeated every 5 seconds. To exit, enter any character on the keyboard followed by Enter to return to the previous menu.

15- Cell Modem Diags 

Main Menu → System Services → Cell Modem Diags

On a RediGate with built-in cellular modem, perform several diagnostic commands for the cellular modem. This requires not only hardware, but also an active RediGate configuration with the cellular modem configured.

Enter 15 for Cell Modem Diags.

Make selection: 15

================  Cell Modem Diags  ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-02-23-1000)  Thu Mar  2 18:09:19 2017
RediGate400C_CPLX : 1 @  REDIGATE-400 <Use System Serv Option-123>
 Virtual Port Numer
   73=Diag AT Cmds
   75=Auto-ATs or NMEA/GPS if HE-910
   77=NMEA/GPS if DE-910
 or 0 to Exit? 73

Enter  73  or  75  for the virtual port number on which to view diagnostics (one or more of these should be configured in ACE).

After this, the RediGate will automatically request several AT commands from the modem to retrieve status and activation information.

The command outputs are described with comments below.

Sending AT+GMM
Received[15]->   HE910    OK

This is the modem model (HE910 for GSM/HSPA, or DE910-DUAL for CDMA).

Sending AT+CNUM
Received[37]->   +CNUM: "","19132109122",129    OK

This is the phone number associated with the account activation.

Sending AT#CCID
Received[37]->   #CCID: 89014104277578463113    OK

For the HE910 modem, this is the SIM card number. For the DE910-DUAL, this command will return an error.

Received[42]->   +CGDCONT: 1,"IP","i2gold","",0,0    OK

For the HE910 modem, the second item in double quotes is the APN of the cellular access point. If the SIM is not properly installed or the RediGate is improperly configured, having an incorrect APN will block cellular connections.

Received[9]->    #MEIDESN: A1000032B304F6,000000000000,00000000

For the DE-910-DUAL modem, this is the MEID number. For the HE910, this command will return an error.

Sending AT#CIMI
Received[32]->   #CIMI: 310410757846311    OK

This is the IMSI number.

Sending AT#CGSN
Received[32]->   #CGSN: 357164042289457    OK

For the HE910 modem, this is the IMEI number. For the DE910-DUAL modem, this is the MEID number, split with a comma.

Sending AT+CREG?
Received[20]->   +CREG: 0,1    OK

This is the mode and connection status. The first number should normally be 0 (disable unsolicited).
The second number indicates registration status: 0=not registered, 1=registered/home network, 2=searching, 3=denied, 5=registered/roaming

For Telit modem:

Received[30]->   $GPSACP: 214127.000,3853.5898,N,09447.4488,W,0.9,315.4,3,12.1,7.3,3.9,310715,07

UTC time (hhmmss.sss)
Latitude (ddmm.mmmm N/S)
Longitude(dddmm.mmmm E/W)
HDOP, Altitude (meters), Fix (0=invalid, 2=2D fix, 3=3D fix)
Course over ground (degrees), Speed over ground (Km/hr), Speed over ground (knots)
Date of fix (ddmmyy), Number of satellites in use

For Quectel modem:

TX-> at+qgpsgnmea="rmc"
RX-> +QGPSGNMEA: $GPRMC,213806.00,A,3853.585246,N,09447.491297,W,3.9,0.0,131020,2.2,E,A*23

This is the GPS data, if a GPS antenna is connected to the modem. Otherwise, it will mostly be just commas with no data. GPS data represents:

UTC time (hhmmss.sss).  A=active, V=void
Latitude (ddmm.mmmm N/S)
Longitude(dddmm.mmmm E/W)
Speed over ground (knots), Track angle (degrees)
Date of fix (ddmmyy), Magnetic variation (E/W), checksum data

Sending AT+CSQ
Received[40]->   +CSQ: 28,3    OK

To convert latitude/longitude to decimal degrees, use  dd + (mm.mmmm/60), as dd.dddd (negative for S or W).

To convert to degree/minute/second, multiply fractional  (.mmmm*60)=ss.ss  for seconds, as dd° mm' ss.ss".

The first number after +CSQ is the signal strength. 99=no signal, 0-31 indicates increasing strength (0 = -113 dBm, 31 = -51 dBm, in steps of 2 dBm per CSQ number).
The second number is the bit error rate (BER). 0=best, 7=worst.

Repeat? (y/n) n

Then press Enter to exit the modem diagnostics, or  A/  to repeat the last command (AT+CSQ, signal strength).
Or enter an 'AT' modem string to manually send a command to the modem.

Enter AT Command (Enter to Exit, 'A/' repeats last, 'A//' repeat every 2 secs) a//
Press Q<enter> to quit repeating
Sending[8]-> AT+CSQ
Received[20]->   +CSQ: 28,2    OK

Press Q<enter> to quit repeating
Sending[8]-> AT+CSQ
Received[20]->   +CSQ: 29,2    OK

Enter 'q' to stop the repeating AT+CSQ commands. And 'Enter' again to exit the menu.

Enter AT Command (Enter to Exit, 'A/' repeats last, 'A//' repeat every 2 secs)


2- Directory Services Menu

Main Menu → Directory Services

The Directory Services menu is used for various file operations within the RediGate file system.

Enter 2 at the Main Menu for the Directory Services menu.

================ Directory Services ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Thu Aug 17 06:32:10 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb
 1) Executables            2) Current Configs
 3) Download Directory     4) Put File to Remote
 5) Get File From Remote   6) Rename File
 7) Delete File in Remote  8) Delete IsaGraf Files
 9) View Zombie.log       10) IsaGraf App Info
11) Restore Previous UFF  12) View UFF Processing Details
13) View Load-Store File  14) View kernel or message logs
15) MQtt XML Information  16) View customer settings
17) ZMODEM File to Remote 18) ZMODEM File from Remote
19) View Problem.txt      20) View ModemLog.txt
21) Store-N-Forward File

Make selection:

1- Executables

Main Menu → Directory Services → Executables

View list of files contained in the /usr/director/bin folder, mainly executable files.

Enter 1 for Executables. File sizes are rounded to 1Kb; thus some entries listed as zero are not actually empty files.

Make selection: 1

================ Executable Directory ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Thu Aug 17 08:23:01 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb
    12 ArClock*                72 IButton*               100 TeleGyrMast*
     0 ArFunc.so@               4 IsaFind_1st.sh*         72 Term1Serv*
     0 ArFunc.so.1@            12 IsagInfo*               72 TermServd*
    60 ArFunc.so.1.7*          84 JSON_Rbe*               24 UdpHandler*
     8 ArcomUpdate.sh*          8 LinuxSys.sh*            52 UdpServ*
   336 BACnetIpMast*           60 MELSECMast*              8 UffUpdate.txt
   336 BACnetIpSlave*           4 MMI*                   268 VirtMast*

2- Current Configs

Main Menu → Directory Services → Current Configs

Show diagnostic information related to the current configuration files in the RediGate.

When an XML configuration is uploaded to the RediGate, it is converted into a UFF file (or the UFF file may be loaded from ACE directly). The configuration is then broken into various components and stored in the /usr/director/configs folder.

Enter 2 to show Current Configs. Enter Y to see additional information about the current configuration.

The first two parts of the display show the current UFF filename and the internal component configurations stored in the RediGate.


================ Configuration Directory ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Thu Aug 17 08:28:07 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb
Contents of /usr/director/config
-rw-r--r--    1 root     director     12347 Aug 17 06:17 /usr/director/config/RG-110E.uff

Show RediGate Linux Config Files (Y/N) y


DBM.1.cfg           ModMast00002.1.cfg  Tags00001.1.cfg     Tags00002.1.pub
Launch.conf         ModMast00003.1.cfg  Tags00001.1.pub     Tags00003.1.cfg
ModMast00001.1.cfg  SCAN.1.cfg          Tags00002.1.cfg     Tags00003.1.pub

DBM.1.cfg           Launch.conf         ModMast00001.1.cfg  SCAN.1.cfg

DBM.1.cfg            SCAN.1.cfg Launch.conf          VirtMast00003.1.cfg

IsaPlc02.sh        gateway            inittab.Port0      inittabMMI-grep
S89runIO200port    hosts.modname      inittab.Port2      networks
SerialMMI.sh       hosts.modsh        inittab.Port64
eth0               inittab-modmmi     inittab.Port65
eth0_1             inittab-no-mgetty  inittab.Port79

Do you want to debug the UFF file? (Y/N) ? y

If you have entered Y for the two prompts, you will then be given the uff2lnux diagnostic, which shows in detail the ACE objects and property values contained in the current configuration.

At the next four prompts, press Enter. The following output is typical of what might be seen in a configuration diagnostic view.

Just keep pressing ENTER until finished...


Revision    $Revision: 1.91 $

uff2lnux              -> Program will prompt you
uff2lnux -f *         -> Read *.UFF files
uff2lnux -f Apex -a 1 -> Read Apex.UFF, Abbreviated report
uff2lnux -f * -p      -> Read *.UFF files, Pause after each object
uff2lnux -f Apex -N   -> No Bootloader files created
uff2lnux -f * > text  -> NOTE: use the MS-DOS redirect symbol '>' to
                              redirect the output to a text file
uff2lnux -c  plus any cmd ->   Create individual download files

Enter UFF file name without UFF extension (wildcards ok)
APEX                08/17/117 08:28:21

Pause after each Object Entry? y/n

y                08/17/117 08:28:22

Create Individual Download Files? y/n

Abbreviated Report? (Mostly Network Info) y/n
NNo Leading minus sign!117 08:28:23

Customer: RediGate


Opening APEX...

In this section, some important information is given about the configuration file, including:

  • XML filename (if applicable, truncated to 32 characters) or UFF filename (if loaded directly from ACE ??? check this)
  • Configuration date (date of the XML to UFF translation on a RediGate, or the date of original creation if UFF was loaded directly from ACE)
  • Build number of the configuration (updated every time the configuration is saved)

UffVer=3  (DiagManual_Configuration.xml)   17/08/21 14:00:0
CfgVer=[1] BuildNumber=16 Machine=/ElecsysRediGate/
Number of Object Entries=40 : Size=12347

Each following section includes the object "filename" separated by @@, which appears in the ACE Configuration Editor after the Object Type, and all of the properties included in the UFF configuration file. The file size includes the total number of "bytes" included in the property values for the object. Enter Q to exit the configuration diagnostic, B followed by a number to back up that many sections, S followed by a number to skip forward that many sections, or any other key to show the next section.

@@cir0000@@       8 bytes @ 1080
  Circuit Type: DIRECT
  Primary Port: 64   Secondary   : -1
  Redundancy  : Dedicated
; Press Any Key.  Q to quit.  S to skip 'N' Entries.  B to Backup. [35 remain]

@@cir0001@@      25 bytes @ 1088
  Circuit Type: MASTER NETWORK(s)
  Server Port : 3040
  ConnectDelay: 15 seconds
  Server IP   :
  Interface   : Ether0
= Press Any Key.  Q to quit.  S to skip 'N' Entries.  B to Backup. [34 remain]

@@firewall@@     299 bytes @ 1268

  Input Policy             : DROP
  Output Policy            : ACCEPT
  Forward Policy           : ACCEPT
  Port Management Chain    :  INPUT  tcp   eth0           22 ACCEPT
  Port Management Chain    :  INPUT  tcp   eth0         3040 ACCEPT


iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
: Press Any Key.  Q to quit.  S to skip 'N' Entries.  B to Backup. [33 remain]

@@lxsystem@@     155 bytes @ 1567
  Apex Number : 1
  Apex Name   : UnitName
  User Name   : user
  Password    : user
  Date Enumer : 5
< Press Any Key.  Q to quit.  S to skip 'N' Entries.  B to Backup. [32 remain]

@@mastchan00@@      71 bytes @ 1722
  Name        : Channel0
  Type        : 993
  Auto Start  : Yes
  Timeout     : 200 msec
  Broadcast   : 0 msec delay
  Interpoll   : 0 msec delay
  Scan Period : 7000 sec
  Net Recover : 0 sec

      RTU    Poll  Delay(sec)
    =====  ======  ==========
        1       1    3600
        1       2      60
        2       1    3600
        2       2      60
        3       1    3600
        3       2      60

; Press Any Key.  Q to quit.  S to skip 'N' Entries.  B to Backup. [35 remain]

3- Download Directory

Main Menu → Directory Services → Download Directory

Enter 3 for to show the files contained in the /home/director download directory.

Files with a ".run" extension are shortcuts to the current configuration files, and after the arrow (->) is the actual location of the file. If there is an .xml.gz or .uff file without the .run extension, it indicates a configuration file that has been loaded but not deployed. (See Configuration Not Updating on RediGate for fixing a problem if there is more than one un-deployed configuration file.)

=============== Download Directory ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-07-24-1300)  Mon Aug 14 11:54:25 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <40170-0118>-SerialNumb
---------------------------------------------total 8
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root            64 Aug 13 12:59 AceConfigName.txt
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             6 Jul 23  2014 CoreMSQID
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            53 Aug 13 12:59 DiagManual_Configuration2.xml.gz.run -> /usr/director/config/DiagManual_Configuration2.xml.gz
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            32 Aug 13 12:59 RG-110E.uff.run -> /usr/director/config/RG-110E.uff
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Aug 13 12:59 UnitName.nam
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            28 Aug 13 12:59 is15000000.run -> /usr/director/bin/is15000000

Press ENTER to continue

4- Put File to Remote

Main Menu → Directory Services → Put File to Remote

Load a file to the RediGate through the COM0 console port using YMODEM protocol. (This option requires using a terminal program that supports the YMODEM file transfer protocol.)

Enter 4 for Put File to Remote. After selecting the menu, a series of "C" characters will be displayed for 40 seconds.

In the serial terminal program, select the option to send a file using YMODEM protocol.

  • In Tera Term or ExtraPUTTY, select File Transfer → YMODEM → Send
  • In HyperTerminal, select Transfer → Send File, and select the YMODEM protocol

YMODEM timeout

The file must begin transferring within about 40 seconds, or the RediGate will time out. If this happens, just select option 4 in Directory Services to try again.

 After the transfer is complete, the file will be in the /home/director folder. Use Directory Services option 3 to view contents of the Download Directory.

Make selection: 4

================ Put File to Remote ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Thu Aug 17 13:33:54 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb
Ready to receive file.../dev/ymodem.dbg=-1
Press ENTER to continue

5- Get File From Remote

Main Menu → Directory Services → Get File From Remote

 Retrieve a file from the RediGate's /home/director folder through the COM0 console port using YMODEM protocol. (This option requires using a terminal program that supports the YMODEM file transfer protocol.)

Enter 5 for Get File From Remote. Enter the exact file name to retrieve (case-sensitive). If the filename is not entered, it will time out in 40 seconds.

If you download a ".run" file (which is a shortcut to an actual file), it will download the original file, but you will need to rename in Windows to remove the ".run" extension.

Make selection: 5

================ Get File from Remote ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Thu Aug 17 14:57:01 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb
---------------------------------------------total 172
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root            63 Aug 17 09:51 AceConfigName.txt
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             6 Jul 23  2014 CoreMSQID
-rw-r--r--    1 user     director     73421 Aug 17 13:34 DefaultTemplate.xml.tmp.gz
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            52 Aug 17 09:55 DiagManual_Configuration.xml.gz.run -> /usr/director/config/DiagManual_Configuration.xml.gz
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            32 Aug 17 09:55 RG-110E.uff.run -> /usr/director/config/RG-110E.uff
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Aug 17 09:55 UnitName.nam
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            28 Aug 13 12:59 is15000000.run -> /usr/director/bin/is15000000
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           166 Dec  4  1999 ppp0.log

Enter name if File to Receive DiagManual_Configuration.xml.gz.run
AceConfigName.txt                    RG-110E.uff.run@
CoreMSQID                            UnitName.nam
DefaultTemplate.xml.tmp.gz           is15000000.run@
DiagManual_Configuration.xml.gz.run@ ppp0.log

Press ENTER to continue

6- Rename File

Main Menu → Directory Services → Rename File

Enter 6 to rename a file in the /home/director folder. Enter the exact existing and new filenames (case-sensitive).

7- Delete File in Remote

Main Menu → Directory Services → Delete File in Remote

Enter 7 to delete a file in the /home/director folder. Enter the exact existing filename (case-sensitive) to be deleted.

Make selection: 7

================ Delete File ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Thu Aug 17 17:38:58 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb
AceConfigName.txt                       RG-110E.uff.run
CoreMSQID                               UnitName.nam
DiagManual_Configuration.xml.tmp.gz.run is15000000.run
NewConfiguration.xml.gz                 ppp0.log

There is no need to delete a file ending in '.run' or '.nam'
These are only softlinks to the actual running files.
Enter File  Name  to delete NewConfiguration.xml.gz

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root            63 Aug 17 09:51 /home/director/AceConfigName.txt
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             6 Jul 23  2014 /home/director/CoreMSQID
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            52 Aug 17 09:55 /home/director/DiagManual_Configuration.xml.tmp.gz.run -> /usr/director/config/DiagManual_Configuration.xml.gz
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            32 Aug 17 09:55 /home/director/RG-110E.uff.run -> /usr/director/config/RG-110E.uff
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Aug 17 09:55 /home/director/UnitName.nam
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            28 Aug 13 12:59 is15000000.run -> /usr/director/bin/is15000000
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           166 Dec  4  1999 /home/director/ppp0.log 

8- Delete IsaGraf Files

Main Menu → Directory Services → Delete IsaGraf Files

Enter 8 to remove an ISaGRAF logic file (such as is15000000) from the /usr/director/bin folder.

 Make selection: 8

================ Delete IsaGraf Files ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Thu Aug 17 17:52:33 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb
-rw-r--r--    1 root     director     88972 Aug 17 13:41 is15000000

Enter File Name  to delete is15000000

9- View Zombie.log

Main Menu → Directory Services → View Zombie.log

Enter 9 to view the Zombie.log file, if it exists.The Zombie.log file is created in /home/director if a RediGate process dies unexpectedly (Linux calls this a "Zombie" process). Certain diagnostic information is stored in the file, and then shortly afterward the RediGate will automatically reboot. The hope is that if the process died as the result of a one-time anomaly, the system will automatically recover itself.

When no Zombie.log file exists and a process dies, the RediGate will reboot relatively quickly (within a minute). If the Zombie.log file exists when the event occurs, such as a persistent condition (bad configuration setting, etc.), the reboot will be delayed longer (up to 9-10 minutes) to allow a technician to intervene, obtain log files from the RediGate, reconfigure it, etc., in order to remove the condition causing the Zombie process to occur.

Press the Space bar to page through to the end of the file. Newest entries are at the bottom. The Zombie.log shows the process name (which process died) and the date/time  and other system conditions when it was detected.

The Zombie.log file is never deleted automatically, but it can be deleted manually through the Delete File in Remote option, or through the command line or an FTP deletion.

Make selection: 9

Press SPACE BAR for more pages...
Fri Aug 18 07:53:07 CDT 2017
Discovered [Z [DirectorScan]] zombie 17123
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN
tcp        0      0 localhost:1883*               LISTEN
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
tcp        1      0 UnitName:42636         CLOSE_WAIT
tcp        0      0 :::ssh                  :::*                    LISTEN
Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node Path
unix  20     [ ]         DGRAM                      2934 /dev/log
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    115113
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                     16168
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    115115

10- IsaGraf App Info

Main Menu → Directory Services → IsaGraf App Info

Enter 10 to show information about any ISaGRAF logic files that may exist on this RediGate. This shows the ISaGRAF filename, project name and build number.

Note that the ISaGRAF logic file is not automatically operational just because of being resident on a RediGate. In order to use ISaGRAF, the configuration must also include a Virtual Circuit and ISaGRAF Field Unit configured under an Internal Channel with an instance number that matches the first two digits of the ISaGRAF filename (e.g., Internal Channel 15 for the example below).

Make selection: 10

================ IsaGraf App Info ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Thu Aug 17 17:50:39 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb

FileName=is15000000     ->  IsaGraf-Project=wdpub06  : Version=251

Press ENTER...

11- Restore Previous UFF

Main Menu → Directory Services → Restore Previous UFF

Enter 11 to restore the previous RediGate configuration. The RediGate keeps only one previous backup configuration that was running before the current configuration. This menu option allows the system to be reverted back to the previous.

After being prompted, enter Y to confirm rolling back the configuration (with an automatic reconfigure and possibly reboot if needed), or N or Enter to keep the current.

Make selection: 11

================ Restore Previous UFF Configuration ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Fri Aug 18 14:17:58 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb
-rw-r--r--    1 root     director      5450 Aug 17 09:51 /usr/director/backup/DiagManual_Configuration.xml.gz
-rw-r--r--    1 root     director     12347 Aug 17 09:51 /usr/director/backup/RG-110E.uff

Do you want to RESTORE with REBOOT this UFF or XML file? (y/n) y

12- View UFF Processing Details

Main Menu → Directory Services → View UFF Processing Details

Enter 12 to view details of the RediGate's processing of the UFF configuration file. Press Enter to begin viewing the details.

When a .uff file is loaded directly, or created from an .xml.gz configuration file, the RediGate processes the UFF file in order to start up all its processes. The UFF Processing Details give some detailed diagnostic information about how the new configuration was handled. The following lines show some excerpts from a typical diagnostic output.

Make selection: 12

================ View UFF Processing Details ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Fri Aug 18 14:21:59 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb
Press the SPACE bar to view the next page or ENTER to advance one line

Rtdb 0 has 4 Fields 96 bytes
Rtdb 0 has 4 Fields 96 bytes
Rtdb 1 has 4 Fields 96 bytes
Rtdb 0 has 0 Fields 0 bytes
Rtdb 0 has 5 Fields 120 bytes
Customer is RediGateBuild Directory is .
Director System V-1.001
Comm Port       V-1.001

Ethernet        V-1.001
Rx_Tx_SerialComm00 232 0
Rx_Tx_SerialComm02 232 0
Rx_Tx_SerialComm64 232 0
Rx_Tx_SerialComm65 232 0
Rx_Tx_SerialComm79 4095 4095
Found Primary COM64 for Circuit0000
Found Primary COM79 for Circuit0200
Found 3 Master Channels
Building Chann00 (Channel0)
Match Chann-Rtu (Modbus02) Addr=2
Match Chann-Rtu (Modbus01) Addr=1
Match Chann-Rtu (Modbus03) Addr=3 
Count of RtuRBE=16

Finished... Press ENTER 

13- View Load-Store File

Main Menu → Directory Services → View Load-Store File

Enter 13 to view the contents of a LoadStore file, and (if present) enter the name of the file to view.

The LoadStore object is used as part of an ISaGRAF logic program, with default values that may be configured in the LoadStore child object under the ISaGRAF Field Unit. Values in the LoadStore file are stored in permanent memory in /usr/director/bin (e.g. ls02000000 in the example below). Values may be updated during runtime of the ISaGRAF program. The LoadStore file contains 16 columns by a variable number of rows ("Boards"). The View Load-Store File option shows the data one row (16 integer values) at a time. Press Enter to continue displaying each row, or Esc Enter to quit.

Make selection: 13

================ Display Load/Store File ==============
ElecSys(V:5.7.2017-08-07-1200)  Fri Aug 18 16:27:52 2017
UnitName : 1 @  REDIGATE  <46247-0004>-SerialNumb
-rw-r--r--    1 root     director        64 Aug 18 14:32 ls02000000

Enter Isagraf LS File to display ls02000000
  Load-Store Board 1
 0 : 0x00000001      1
 1 : 0x00000002      2
 2 : 0x00000003      3
 3 : 0x00000004      4
 4 : 0x00000005      5
 5 : 0x00000006      6
 6 : 0x00000007      7
 7 : 0x00000008      8
 8 : 0x00000009      9
 9 : 0x0000000a     10
10 : 0x00000000      0
11 : 0x00000000      0
12 : 0x00000000      0
13 : 0x00000000      0
14 : 0x00000000      0
15 : 0x00000000      0
Press ENTER to Continue : ESC to quit

14- View kernel or message logs

Main Menu → Directory Services → View kernel or message logs

Enter 14 to view the Linux log files, then enter 1 for the 'kernel' log or 2 for the 'message' log.

Press the Space bar to page through the log file until the end, or Enter to scroll one line at a time.

Make selection: 14

================ View KERNEL or MESSAGE